Get Involved – Hip Dysplasia Awareness Month 2022

Join us this June to raise hip dysplasia awareness, celebrate the strong hip dysplasia warriors in your life, build community, and support the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

We have many ways to get involved this June. Email us at to let us know how you’d like to participate.

Examples of ways to get involved:

1) Create a submission for our annual Pass the Crutch video. Pass a crutch (or cane or walker or brace or sign or whatever you have around!) from left to right or right to left. Email your video to us at by June 10, 2022.

2) Create a Hip Dysplasia Fact social media post/poster that we can share on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

3) Look for our Hip Dysplasia Fact posts on social media each week during June and share them with your friends and family on social media to promote hip dysplasia awareness.

3) Share your hip dysplasia story for our “Our Stories” page. We welcome stories from adolescent and adult patients, families, friends, partners, providers, and anyone else who wishes to share.

4) Create an individual, family, or friend/small group fundraiser. We can build you a fundraising page that you can share with family, friends, teachers, healthcare providers, coaches, and anyone else in your community who might want to support hip dysplasia education, information, technology, and research can make tax-deductible donations directly to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.

5) Join our virtual book club on June 14, 2022 at 7 pm EST. We will be meeting with Natalia Sylvestro, author of Breathe and Count Back from Ten, a brand new book where the main character has hip dysplasia.

6) Join us for a free, hip-friendly, virtual Pilates class with physiotherapist, Pilates instructor, and hip dysplasia advocate, Laura Rutterford, from Help for Hip Dysplasia. Saturday, June 23, 2022 at 5 pm BST/12 pm EST/9 am PST.

7) Show your spirit! Take a picture of you in your hip dysplasia gear and tag us at #Miles4Hips or email it to us at Don’t have gear, check out our new Miles4Hips merchandise store benefitting the International Hip Dysplasia Institute or create a hip dysplasia awareness sign and take a picture with it.