Individuals often talk about their journey with hip dysplasia and how it affects not only their hips, but their overall health and quality of life.
At Miles4Hips we recognize the impact that hip dysplasia can have on all facets of life, from physical health to social health, spiritual health, and mental health. We aim to support you and your loved ones no matter where you are in your hip dysplasia journey in order to promote lifelong health hips, bodies, and minds.
Please visit our ever-developing resources in this section to learn about co-morbidities often experienced by individuals with hip dysplasia, mental health, and whole-body health. If you have related questions or topics that you think would be relevant to the hip dysplasia community please email as at and we will work to find and share the answers.
Disclaimer: The information on the Miles4Hips website is meant for informational purposes only. While our goals are to promote understanding and knowledge of hip dysplasia and to empower patients and their families in healthcare decision making, we cannot guarantee accuracy or appropriateness of the information for your specific condition or circumstances. The information on this site is not meant to take the place of the professional judgment of your medical providers. Individuals should always seek the advice of your physician/surgeon, physical therapists, and other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Individuals should never disregard the advice of your medical providers or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.