Kaya Frazier is going into her junior year in the Honor’s College at Oakland University, as a Health Sciences/Premed student. She aspires to be an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip preservation. She participates in several extracurricular clubs, including The Premed Society, and Young Undergraduate Women in Healthcare. Kaya also enjoys volunteering weekly at our senior center for the Meals on Wheels program. Prior to being sidelined with hip problems, Kaya was a member of the US soccer youth national team, and had a full athletic scholarship to the University of Michigan. She has had a very nontraditional recovery from her hip preservation attempts, including PAOs, SDs, and many scopes. She was unable to return to soccer, but has redirected her passion towards her educational pursuits. Hip dysplasia has had such a profound impact on Kaya’s life, and she is thrilled to accept the position as a junior board member for Miles4hips. She hopes to help spread awareness about hip dysplasia.