Maddog 2020

My name is Madison and my journey has been one of daily discovery.  I will be 12 the end of September.  My diagnosis came when I was 6 and a half.  It was a full year of confusion and doctors appts but I found out I was born with the dysplasia.  This answered many questions about different milestones and mobility along the way for my parents.  I spent 3 and a half years doing various types of therapy to get my hips as mobile and loose as possible.   

I expect that when I am in my 20s, I will have a full hip replacement. 

In the meantime, my goal is to just keep moving.  Sometimes that is super easy and fun like with swimming but other times it can be much more challenging and painful even with just simply walking or sitting criss cross in school.  I also got a trike bike a couple of years ago which allows me to finally go on bike rides. 

I am excited to bring my friends and family together to support Hip Dysplasia on Miles4Hips Day and be able to raise awareness.  Join my team and we will have lots of fun getting moving together.