Miles4Hips: What We’re About

At Miles4Hips we’re all about “going far for hip dysplasia.” Here are some of the ways we strive to go the distance:

  • Information
    • Patients with hip dysplasia have the right to accurate, unbiased, patient-friendly information to make informed decisions about their medical care in collaboration with their medical providers.  Miles4Hips aims to be a reputable source of information about hip dysplasia, treatment options, and recovery for patients, families, and non-expert medical providers.
  • Awareness
    • Patients with hip dysplasia are entitled to an accurate and timely diagnosis and access to a hip dysplasia expert. However, patients may see many medical providers over the course of several years before receiving a proper diagnosis.  We believe that increasing hip dysplasia awareness among non-expert medical providers and the general population are key to improving diagnoses and allowing for prompt intervention.
  • Community and Collaboration
    • Hip dysplasia care and outcomes will be optimized when patients, advocates, medical providers, researchers, and policy-makers work together to support the educational, research, and innovation initiatives and goals of the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI).  Miles4Hips aims to engage the hip dysplasia patient community in efforts to support one another and create awareness in their local and extended communities, as well as to promote participatory medicine in hip dysplasia care.
  • Movement
    • Hip dysplasia is not a sentence for a lifetime of physical limitations and pain. We believe that individualized, timely, and appropriate diagnosis and intervention can allow individuals with hip dysplasia to live active, healthy lives.  It is a goal of Miles4Hips to encourage safe, appropriate physical activity in patients with hip dysplasia for health hips, bodies, and minds.