Amy’s Story

Amy is a yoga teacher who was diagnosed with hip and shoulder dysplasia and hypermobility (hEDS). She has used her journeys as a patient as inspiration to specialize in teaching individuals with hypermobility. Visit the video link to meet Amy as she shares her inspiring story about negotiating adversity and pain and using her passion, determination, and gifts to support others through their journeys through yoga.

Amy both practices and teaches yoga. She has a special interest in supporting individual with EDS and hypermobility and has co-taught related courses with other specialty teachers. Amy shared with us related podcasts where she and some of her colleagues have been interviewed.


Amy says: “As a yoga teacher on the hypermobility spectrum and hip/shoulder dysplasia myself (diagnosed with hEDS), this is very near and dear to my heart.”

Please feel free to contact Amy if you would like to learn more about her and the yoga she practices and teaches: