Hi i’m Sofia! My story is definitely a unique one. I hit my foot on the hurdle and got a concussion in January, 2023, and started going to PT for this.

In Spring of 2023, I was going to track practice 5 days a week. We would do hurdles for 1-2 hours every day. My hips were super tired, but I thought nothing of it.
In June of 2023 I was doing 6 hours of practice four times a week. I would go from poms and then to track. I remember one day at poms practice I was walking, and my hip just gave out on me. I had the sharpest pain go down my leg! That’s when I knew something wasn’t right.
I brought this up to my PT and she said it’s most likely a torn labrum. She suggested that I get an x-ray just to be sure. Turns out I have severe bilateral hip dysplasia. After numerous x-rays and an MRI, we found that I tore both of my labrums a significant amount.
In the fall, I tried hip injections which didn’t work. So, we went the surgical route. Five weeks ago, I had PAO surgery on my left hip. When they opened me up, my hip was way worse than they thought. It took about 8 hours to complete with complications. I ended up losing 4.5 liters of blood and needed a transfusion. I am so thankful for the cell saver that helped recycle my blood. I ended up getting two bags of platelets and one of normal blood. I am so thankful for whoever donated their blood, they saved my life. I spent one day in the PICU and four and a half days in the orthopedic ward. I have an amazing hip team and surgeon, Dr. Courtney Selberg.

Today I am 5 weeks post op and I already feel amazing. I am so grateful for all of the people I have had along this journey. I hope to inspire people to donate blood and plasma and to advocated for themselves when something doesn’t feel right.