Stretching for Individuals with Hip Dysplasia

Alexa, a sports massage therapist and hip dysplasia patient from the UK, shares techniques for stretching muscles that often become tight in individuals with hip dysplasia.  These are wonderful exercises that can be done if you are managing hip dysplasia conservatively or if you awaiting surgery, recovering from surgery, or looking to maintain life-long healthy hips.  As always, if you are under the care of a hip surgeon, physical therapist, or other healthcare provider, it is important to discuss whether or not these stretches would be appropriate for you before starting a regular home stretching program.

Contributor: Alexa Duckworth-Briggs

Disclaimer: All of the information on this site is peer reviewed, as well as reviewed by our current medical advisor. The information on the Miles4Hips website is meant for informational purposes only. While our goals are to promote understanding and knowledge of hip dysplasia and to empower patients and their families in healthcare decision making, we cannot guarantee accuracy or appropriateness of the information for your specific condition or circumstances. The information on this site is not meant to take the place of the professional judgment of your medical providers. Individuals should always seek the advice of your physician/surgeon, physical therapists, and other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Individuals should never disregard the advice of your medical providers or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.