Medical providers should be your experts for most questions related to your hip dysplasia diagnosis, your treatment options and plans of care, and your mental health needs. However, at Miles4Hips, we also recognize that there is a level of expertise that can only those who have had the experience of living with a hip dysplasia diagnosis or caring for an individual with a hip dysplasia diagnosis can know.
This education and resource section celebrates those unique contributions of patient,s families, and friends who have experienced hip dysplasia and are the experts in living with it.
Please remember that these resources are from individual patients, families, and friends. We have included them since we feel that they may apply to many individuals experiencing hip dysplasia. However, what is true for some may not be true for you. This is okay! Everyone experiences hip dysplasia in their own way.
We invite you to enjoy these resources and to reach out with any questions, concerns, or resources of your own that you feel like patients, families, and friends may enjoy.
Maintaining a Positive Morning Routine

Disclaimer: The information on the Miles4Hips website is meant for informational purposes only. While our goals are to promote understanding and knowledge of hip dysplasia and to empower patients and their families in healthcare decision making, we cannot guarantee accuracy or appropriateness of the information for your specific condition or circumstances. The information on this site is not meant to take the place of the professional judgment of your medical providers. Individuals should always seek the advice of your physician/surgeon, physical therapists, and other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Individuals should never disregard the advice of your medical providers or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.